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City Council Meeting - 10/02/2006
Auburn City Council
Meeting #48
October 2, 2006

Roll Call – Councilor Graney, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – Present.   Councilor McNabb, absent.

Staff Members Present –Nancy Hussey, Assistant Corporation Counsel, Debra A.  McCormick, City Clerk.

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.   

The Mayor asked for a moment of silence.   

 Matter before Council –

Council began the discussion of how to proceed with a City Manager search.  Councilor Graney suggest a citizen’s committee to review applications and recommend candidates for Council to interview.  Councilor Smith stated his idea to have employees serve on the committee was not a good one and he had reconsidered it.  Council agreed that the ad should be written and placed by October 12th.  They asked the City Clerk to prepare a list of options and deadlines for advertising by the October 5th Council meeting.  

Council adjourned to executive Session at 8:05 and returned at 8:50PM.  

Council adjourned at 8:50PM.